Life takes a lot out of us. Mindfulness helps.

Learn to live with more peace, ease and energy…Mindfully.

All are available in-person (Rochester, NY) and remote.

Whatever life throws your way, you can you trust that Mindful Matters has a trauma informed, evidence-based mindfulness tool to help you through.

In addition to getting equipped with what you need to practice mindfulness in your everyday life, you get a person, Laura Gavigan.

Laura’s values of empathy, compassion, education and transformation serve as the foundation for Mindful Matters’ offerings.

Mindful Counseling & Coaching

A unique blend of Counseling & Coaching with Integration of Everyday, Practical and easy Mindful Skills.

How does this work? More HERE

Mindfulness Classes & Programs

Basic, Advanced and “Design Your Own”


Mindfulness Training for Coaches, Leaders, Therapists, Social Workers & Wellness Professionals.

Integrating Mindfulness and Meditation for your Clients has many benefits. More HERE

Guided Meditation

A variety of online meditations and Mindful Minute videos.


All Counseling/Coaching Sessions, Classes and Programs are available in-person (Rochester, NY) and remote.

We are all mindful to one degree or another, moment by moment. It is an inherent human capacity.

~Jon Kabat-Zinn